
Sunday, September 29, 2013

[beauty] Jade and Gold Nails

Does anyone else watch beauty video channels on YouTube? I am addicted!!! Channels like Miss Glamorazzi, Zoella, Eleventh Gorgeous, and Fleur de Force are a few of my favorites. Addicting. 

Now I am not much of a "beauty-buff", but I like to be girly, so these videos have been making me more interested in beauty related items... Like nail polish and painting my nails! I'm a huge fan of pedicures, so I only paint my nails. That has now become my Sunday night ritual: new nail polish night!

This was last week's choice:
Let me further explain that I am not a nail technician, so there are plenty of mistakes. Eh well. I then grabbed my gold glitter nail polish (not pictured) and painted over my ring finger nails. It was so cute and TOTALLY out of my comfort zone... I'm usually a red/pink/neutral gal. But tonight I tried to take it off with nail polish remover and geez Louise! I had to get dish soap and scrub my nails and skin to get the greenish color off. Ugh. Most likely will not be using it again for that reason. 

So what about you? What nail colors do you venture out and use?


Saturday, September 14, 2013

[dwell] Fall Home Tour


This is a small glimpse of fall at the Johnson's. Yes, yes I know: fall doesn't officially start for another week or so. Doesn't matter to me! September = beginning of fall. 

Candy corn paper banner with mini pumpkins...

Top of entertainment unit all decked out...

Wooden pumpkins from Hobby Lobby displayed on the piano...

Dining room complete with scarecrows, a metal pumpkin, and a vintage sign from an antique show (orange and black can mean fall, right?). 

Who else has decked their... walls... and furniture for fall? I can't be the only one who decorates early, right?!


Monday, September 9, 2013

[blog] Testing...

Hello, hello! Contrary to the popular belief, no I have not fallen off the planet: after VBS, I was thrown into full school-prep mode and now we have just started our 4th week of school. Crazy! In other news...

 I am BLOGGING from my iPhone. What?! 

This may be old news to some of you, but for the first (to me) time, I am attempting to blog from this instead of my computer. Y'all have got to understand... I am lay-zee. Really. And 9/10 of the pics on the blog are from my iPhone. Sorry, blogging is not my professional job (I already have one of those) so I will not spend extra time uploading, cropping, and/or editing pics unless I have the energy and/or time. End rant. 

SO this is a test to see how this post turns out, appearance-wise. Can you read it? Can you see the photo below of the cutest niece and nephew?

Let a lady know! I hope you all are having a great start to your week! 
