We are gearing up for the end of school: official countdown, 8 DAYS. I can't even believe my Kinders will be moving to 1st grade!!!
We have been busy preparing for a religious ceremony that my students' will do readings at (it is their first official time to read in front of the school) and they are SO CUTE! We are also singing a song at the end called "If I Were a Butterfly". It's super sweet :)
We wrapped up our units about Mexico, the Farm, and Insects. As soon as I get around to downloading and posting pictures, I'll share. Pinky promise.
One of the stressful things about the end of the year is all of the "fun" events: Field Day, picnics, special programs. They are fun, but boy are they stressful to arrange and organize! We have four of those days left, so we officially have four "school" days and four "fun" days.
We read out of our "textbook" today: we have weekly stories that practice the letter sound that is spotlighted. They ALL did such a great job. My aide even looked at me and said, "Congratulations Mrs. Johnson: you taught them to read!" Haha it was sweet and they all are amazing to me! I will miss them next year but I'm looking forward to my new batch of kiddos!
When do y'all get out for the summer? Any fun end-of-the-year activities planned? Do tell.
I just found you! Let's follow each other! I see you are from Texas!