
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Meet the Teacher Monday AND Teacher Talk Tuesday

Yep, I'm doing two-in-one (multi-tasking: another teacher trait)! Scroll down for Teacher Talk Tuesday :)

Monday: Meet the Teacher!

Tell us a little something about you...
My name is Chrissy and I am from Dallas, Texas (originally). That's my husband, Nathan (I call him Nate)- he is an ordained Baptist minister and sticks to Music and Youth. He's an AMAZING singer/guitar/piano man and I am so proud of all he does! We moved to South Texas about a year ago (for a new church position for the hubster). We have two "children", as in dogs. Oliver (who I'm holding) is a 1 year old Shih Tzu OR Lhasa Apso... Not sure. Chloe (who Nate is holding) is a 2 year old Jack Russell Terrier. We really enjoy our family of four!
 I graduated from DBU (below) in May 2009 with my Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education.
One month later, I married this guy :) It was the first 100+ degree day in Texas (in June) and there was NO power in our church where we got married. Luckily, the reception was elsewhere and we all cooled off soon after!
My favorite things include:
-Crafts (Anyone else addicted to Pinterest?)
-InStyle magazine
-Pajama pants
-ANYTHING with sprinkles
-Disney World
-Cruise Lines

How long have you been teaching?
This will be my third year teaching. I taught 1st grade my first year (although I started in Kinder and was moved 7 days after school started due to low numbers), Kindergarten last year, and Kindergarten this year! It's neat staying at the same school, KNOWING your curriculum, and seeing your old babies in the hallway still!

You might not know...
I have a "permanently broken" left arm. I broke my arm when I was 2 years old and since I was still developing/growing bones, my arm didn't straighten out correctly. It's pretty embarrassing when people notice my arm and freak out, but the story is interesting :) The only way to straighten it correctly is to break my arm again... and let's just say that I'll pass on that... it's not THAT embarrassing! I'll have to take a picture one day!

What are you looking most forward to this school year?
Vacation? Ha! I kid :) Every year, I totally look forward to training the kiddos into really understanding what school is all about. Kindergarten is such an important grade/age for development, and I like that I get to be a part of it! I am also looking forward to May, only to see how I conquered having 28 Kinders.

What do you need to improve?
Lesson planning. I always hand-write lesson plans, and then type them out, but I feel like they could be more involved and in-depth. Maybe not so much at the beginning of the year (procedures procedures procedures!) but as the year progresses.
What teaching supplies can you *not* live without?
 Avery Mailing Labels... I put the kids' names on them, which in turn I put on EVERYTHINGGG....
Organization! I would suffer in the classroom if I didn't have neat file folders and pockets for everything.

Tuesday: Teacher Talk Tuesday 

It is kind of hard to give "new teacher" advice because I still consider myself a newbie (as a 3rd year teacher). BUT I feel that there is SO much you learn in your first year, that you simply won't learn until you experience it... So here are my little tidbits of insight :)

1. PROCEDURES PROCEDURES PROCEDURES. This killed me my 1st year of teaching. Since I was moved to a new classroom/grade level/students after two weeks of school already in session, I didn't focus enough on this aspect. You HAVE TO take time to teach procedures and expectations before any "real" teaching can begin. If you do not have procedures in place, you will NOT get any teaching done. Plain and simple. You have to model and repeat and repeat and model those procedures until you are blue in the face. Do it, it will be worth it in a few months!

2. Make friends with everyone on campus, and I mean EVERYONE. Secretary, janitor, teachers you hardly know. It is always nice to be friendly, but it is especially nice when you are a new teacher and have no IDEA what you are doing. You never know whose help you may need in a few months!

3. Patience is a virtue. I could go CRAZY talking and yelling and venting about all of the things that go wrong during a typical school day. Kids won't stop talking. That lesson wasn't as awesome as I thought. That other teacher gave me the stink eye. C'monnnn. You can't let it drive you mad! Be patient, accept it, and move on! I tell myself this daily! There is beauty in learning from mistakes and situations. Soak it in, don't get mad about it. Be patient with your kiddos, even at 3:15pm when you are just DONE with your day. Take the crummy lesson and make it better for next time. Smile at the stink-eye teacher, even when she still gives the stink eye to you! YOU are in charge of you and how you feel: don't let anyone else decide!

So fun! Head on over to Blog Hoppin' to learn more about your favorite teacher bloggers!

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine getting married in 100+ temps! I was hot just because I was nervous, so adding real heat to the situation would've made me melt! :-) You had a beautiful dress!


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