
Thursday, May 30, 2013

[love] Rescue

[photo via bloom tumblr]

Do you ever think the following: "Am I doing this right?", "Am I being genuine?", "How does 'so-and-so' have such a strong faith, do I look like that to people?"

Sometimes, the enemy, a.k.a Satan, likes to penetrate our thoughts and make us feel not good enough, not well spoken enough, not genuine enough to have the love, grace, and mercy of God. He wants us to question our hearts, minds, and spirits because that will lead us away from God.

I came across this tumblr photo (above) while on Pinterest and it immediately smacked me in the face. He RESCUED me because He delighted in me. God knows my heart: my faults, my sins, my ill attempts to make it all right even when I am still a complete sinner. But because He DELIGHTS in me, He has rescued me. He sent His Son to cover my sins and make me clean when He knew I couldn't do it myself and I couldn't do it on my own.

He knows that I will continue to mess up.

He knows that I will continue to fall.

But because of His love, mercy, and grace, when I CHOOSE to continue to follow His path, His Word, His ways, even when it seems hard, when it doesn't make sense, when it feels like I am doing it all wrong, He will RESCUE me and carry me through it all.

Jesus says in John 16:33, ""I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."" He knows this world is tough. He knows we will stumble and fall. It is our job to cling to Him even when it doesn't seem all clear, or that we are "doing it correctly", or that our heart is not in the right place. He lived in this world and knows all of the temptations and junk that can go through a person: physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally.

He RESCUED us because He delighted in us.

He RESCUED us because He delighted in us.

He RESCUED us because He delighted in us.

Beautiful, beautiful words. Thank you, Lord, for giving us these continued promises when we so often fall, fail, and question your ways for us. Forgive us, Lord, when we fail you. Please continue to draw us closer to you in all that we do so that we may glorify Your name in all that we do. Let us be a light for you in this world so others may come to know You. Thank You for Your love and for Your Son. Amen.

Happy Thursday!

""I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."" John 16:33


  1. Thanks for sharing, Chrissy! Great message.

  2. yes...a beautiful reminder today! BTW...I read your grew up in DFW...I went to TCU! :)

  3. Hi Chrissy! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your nice comment. I'm glad you stopped by because it brought me to your cute blog. What a perfect post for me to stumble upon too because I've had a bad week and the Word always reminds me how blessed I am to have His love. I always forget that I AM good enough and it's Satan that makes me doubt myself. Thanks for that reminder.

  4. it is hard to believe that he delights in us! our sermon this week was about God choosing us and it amazes me that he picked me! thanks for this post!

  5. Such a moving post. Thank you for this. It is amazing to know that He delights in is regardless of our faults.

    LOVE this post!

  6. Thanks so much for the inspiration! I thank God everyday that He rescued me. I stumbled upon your blog through some random clicking, and I clicked follow immediately.


I read each and every comment: thank you for leaving some love!