
Sunday, May 26, 2013

[make] Weekly Inspiration: Upholstered Bench

Hello there, happy long weekend and happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all of the veterans, past and current, who are working to keep our families and country safe. You are a blessing from God and we thank you for your service!

Now that I am OFFICIALLY on summer break (yee-haw!), I have decided to focus on at least one project a week, unless we're on vacation or something, that I can share through the blog. I'll share the inspiration Sunday night/Monday morning and hopefully get it done by the end of the week.

This week, I plan on turning a coffee table into a upholstered bench for the foot of our bed.

We have this coffee table from Ikea:

The top comes off as a lid and the inside of the table can be storage. We plan to put it at the foot of our bed and store blankets, throw pillows, etc inside of it, OR maybe turn it into a dog bed with some hinges and handles... we'll see. For now, a bench will do. This past week, we got a new coffee table (which I'll have to share photos of later this week: it is so beautiful!) so now our old one can be turned into something maybe like this:

from here:

from here:

from here:

I plan on using quilt batting, fabric, and a staple gun :) Maybe even stain the bench or paint it? We will see! Have a great week!

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7

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