
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

[teach] Oh SNAP! Blog Hoppin' Scavenger Hunt

I have followed a few of the Blog Hoppin' gals for some time (Kacey, Cara, Abby, Amy) but didn't know about Blog Hoppin' itself until July 6th. That is when the Scavenger Hunt started!

For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you will have noticed MANY of my pictures have had this strange sign entitled "Blog Hoppin' 2014". Weird, huh? Well, the gals (like I'm friends with them, that's what we call each other ;)) have teamed up to share amazingly amazing prizes, one of which being a Canon Rebel camera (say what?!) if you choose to participate in this hunt. There are over 200 items, plus many bonus points that are offered daily. If you get at least 105+, you will be entered into a drawing to win one of the prizes. Eek!

I'm so pumped: even if I don't win, it has been so fun participating in this scavenger hunt! A)I'm a sucker for scavenger hunts, B)I'm a sucker for Instagram, and C)I'm a sucker for PHOTO SCAVENGER HUNTS. So this was right up my alley! Here are a few photos from my collection (you can see the entire collection at #chrissydj, or see EVERYONE'S photos at #bloghoppin2014):

Someone with an ice cream cone:

A teacher doing a cartwheel (I was SO sore the next day: embarrassing!):

"Bloghoppin'" spelled out in Play-Doh:

Five friends laughing (love these people):

6 pairs of flip flopped feet:

It has been so fun to have my husband, family, and friends participate with me! Nate even said once, "This scavenger hunt is taking over my life." #commitment

See everyone's linked up blog posts at the Blog Hoppin' site! Thanks girls for the opportunity: this has been so fun! Again, sorry to be blowing up your Instagram feeds with my pictures: the hunt is over August 6th! Wish me luck!


  1. I kind of want to be on that couch with your friends! They look so fun!

  2. I have enjoyed seeing the pictures! I hope you win!!!


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