
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

[teach] 100th Day of School!

[this shot was taken five days after my wisdom teeth surgery... I couldn't smile yet... ha!]

Two weeks ago, my class celebrated the 100th day of Kindergarten, wahoo! It is a pretty big deal in Kindergarten and we go all out, taking a break from the scheduled curriculum to review concepts using the number 100! A few things on our agenda were...

Whole group writing of 100 things we would like to have
Whole group writing of 100 things we would NOT like to have
Independent writing of the 100 things they wanted
Counting, singing, clapping, stomping, dancing to 100
Brainstorming/illustrating what they will look like when they are 100 years old
Building a structure with 100 cups
Making patterns with 100 pattern blocks
Completing an I-Spy with 100 objects
Illustrating the number 100
Wearing a shirt with 100 objects on it {an at-home project]

And the best part of the day? A 100 cake!!! Here's how I made it!

Use a bundt pan and cut that cake in half! Two zeros, yes please.

Cut a skinny rectangle (for the number 1) out of the bottom portion of your large, rectangular pan... You and your husband can eat the leftover cake that didn't go to school :)

Funfetti frosting and cake, of COURSE, because it is Kindergarten! 

Isn't it fun?! I have more pictures of my class completing their activities and work, but my kiddos' faces are in the pictures: confidentiality restricts me from posting their pics. And I'm too lazy to blur the faces out :) Does anyone else celebrate the 100th day of... well, anything? I am on a countdown to a CRUISE in April (59 days) and to summer (107 days). Let's do this!

Happy Tuesday!

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." 1 John 4:16

1 comment:

  1. you are the best teacher!!! how fun that you made a cake!!


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