
Monday, April 22, 2013

[life] Cruising Together

Whew! Sorry for the late update on our trip! It was HARD getting back into the swing of things and routines... I was constantly yawning every day (no more waking up to pleasure and relaxation) and it was hard to get motivation to do anything (no one to serve me or make my bed? hmph.) But I have calculated we have only 25 more days of school! YEAAAHHH! And some of those days will be end of the year events, so I just know it will go by in an instant. This school year went by insanely fast! But! Back to the cruise overview :)

We had a fabulous time on our 7-day Caribbean cruise vacation aboard the Crown Princess cruise ship! Here are some photos from our travels: I'll try not to type TOO much and let the pictures speak for themselves :) Enjoy!

On the first formal night, they had a champagne waterfall! Nate and I did it too, how fun/nerve wracking!

Nate and I won $300 during Bingo one day! Woot!!!

Honduras in the background... Sigh... Oh well, safety first!

Shopping in Belize

Was taken on National Sibling Day :) Love ya bro!

Standing in front of our ship on the pier that leads to Cozumel!

We "rented" a kayak near the shore at the beach we were visiting: it was super windy that day!

With my favorite fellas, Dad & Nate!

With my sister in law and mom on Deck 7 at night! 

Last dinner: with our waiter and junior waiter! Walter is from India and Vasi is from Romania!

There are TONS more pictures, but this is a pretty good overall review of our trip. We had a blast: cruises are our absolute favorite vacation! We are already planning our next vacation for our anniversary in June, but we are torn: Destin or New Orleans? Thoughts? 

Have a great week!

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31


  1. SOOO fun!! how sweet you won $300!!

  2. Your pictures are amazing! You looked gorgeous! I love all your outfits!!

    I love that y'all won $300 playing bingo! So awesome!


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