
Monday, May 13, 2013

[love] Happy Mother's Day!

I was so glad that my parents, brother, and sister in law were able to come visit us this weekend for Mother's Day! We had a great weekend of relaxation, eating good food, putting together a puzzle (our favorite past time as a family), assembling flower gifts for all the mom's from our church (a different post for a different day), and watching the pups play together: my brother and his wife have two dogs too, so we call all of the pups "the cousins". Yes, we're that kind of family! We gifted my mom a photo book containing photos from our last cruise vacation: she loved it!

After church, we headed to eat some yummy Mexican food and commemorated the day with a photo: love my family, so incredibly blessed by them all!

Other photos from the weekend:

Snippets of my mom's Mother's Day gift: a photo book from our cruise vacation!

Nate cuddling with our pup-niece, Bella: she has the prettiest eyelashes!

Bella and Ralf, the pup-nephew!

Getting kisses from Ralf

We love puzzles!

I hope all of you who are mothers had a fabulous day of being spoiled and pampered! You are all fabulous!

Happy Monday!

"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her..." Proverbs 31:28

1 comment:

  1. Mothers are pretty fabulous.

    Looks like such a great time :)


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