
Thursday, May 23, 2013

[make] Two Mexican Favorites

*Sorry I've been MIA this week: I've had sinus congestion like no other this week and have been crashing as soon as I get home from work due to pressure headaches, sore throat, and nasal congestion.... UGH! Hoping to kick it soon...

Our church holds monthly luncheons following the morning worship service as a time of fellowship for our congregation. A theme is set and everyone is invited to bring a dish, potluck-style, to go with the theme. This past Sunday, we had a Mexican theme: a few members brought enchiladas, dips, beans, and rice, but we opted to go another route with two Mexican favorites... well, one is a favorite of Nate's (I don't eat it because it has beans and I don't like beans... Or olives... Or sour cream... Ha!) and the other was a Pinterest find from here.

This casserole dish uses the following:
2 lbs. ground beef
Rice (I used one package of the Taco Rice made by Fiesta Sides... I think)
Onions (1 cup)
Enchilada sauce (1 can)
Doritos Nacho Cheese chips (1 bag, depending on how much you like)
Grated cheese (There's is no such thing as too much cheese!)
(it also has beans, but I don't like beans, so feel free to add them!)

Saute the onions with the beef. After it's done cooking, combine, in a bowl, the meat, onions, rice, sauce, chips, and cheese. Put mixture in a baking dish: top with more chips and cheese. 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes! See the Pinterest link above for more details.

This is Nate's favoriteee thing. Layer refried beans, black beans, sour cream, salsa, grated cheese, olives, green onions. You can also add guacamole but we didn't have any avocados at the time. Easy peasy!

And Nate and I like to pose with our creations... Yep, we're those people.

Who loves Mexican food? Favorite dish?

Happy Thursday! TOMORROW'S THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! 10am and it's HELLOOO SUMMER TIME! Can't believe it!

"I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul." Psalm 31:7


  1. YUMMM! These both look delicious and I'm sure they were huge hits with the crowd...I think it's great that y'all have monthly luncheons. I'm definitely making the chips and cheese casserole for our next family get together! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. I am so going to make that dip! It looks amazing!


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