
Sunday, June 15, 2014

[love] Five Years

This past Friday (6/13), Nate and I celebrated five years of marriage!

We celebrated by spending the weekend in Austin: nothing extravagant, Austin is only 1.5 hours from our home, but we wanted the weekend to be carefree and relaxing (hence why I did not post my Friday Favorites: we were too busy relaxing! So this is my "favorites" post for the week... favorite photos of US!). And it definitely was. I am so blessed to be Nathan's wife: the foundation for everything he does is in Christ, he leads our household, keeps me safe, loves me unconditionally, and treats me as such. I love, love, love you Nathan! I am so proud of you for all of you have done, both personally and professionally. You are HOT, smart, strong, courageous, determined, and loving. Thank you for all you do for us! Love you!

Here are some snippets from our past five years as husband and wife:

2009: First vacation (besides our honeymoon) as husband and wife to Disney World in Florida!

2010: First snow (with our first pup, Chloe) at our apartment complex in Euless!

2011: Favorite pastime of ours... watching the Texas Rangers!

2012: Another favorite of ours... traveling by cruise ship (this specific trip was in celebration of our three year wedding anniversary)

2013: Road trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico for a wedding. It was beautifully decorated for Christmas (and freezing cold and snowy)!

2014: Enjoying the sun and water in Honduras

“Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God." Ruth 1:16 (our wedding vows)

How do you all celebrate anniversaries? Dinner? Vacation? Party? Do tell. I'll be sharing our anniversary trip this coming week: a review of the hotel we stayed at, and the different things we did/ate while gone. Have a great Sunday (and Happy Father's Day)!


  1. Happy Anniversary! Hope the two of you are having a fabulous time celebrating!! Can't wait to read about your anniversary trip!

    We either travel, go out to dinner ... whatever strikes our fancy at the time to be honest!

  2. Happy Anniversary! We normally try to plan a trip "around" our anniversary and if we're in town we normally go out for dinner or just stay in and have a nice home-cooked meal! This year we had just bought a house so we stayed home and didn't buy any gifts!


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