
Monday, August 18, 2014

[teach] WHO Am I?

It is only fitting that the gals at Blog Hoppin' decided to have Teacher Week THIS week, August 18-22, because today is the first day of school for me! All 22 of my new bunch of Kinder babies will walk through my classroom door today and I am anticipating another wonderful year with Kinder!

Each day, I will ::hopefully:: be posting about myself as a teacher. Today is: WHO am I? So here's a bit all about me!

My name is Chrissy Johnson and I am from Dallas, TX. I grew up with two loving parents and a big brother, Michael. I lived there my entire life, graduated from the same high school as my parents and brother, and then it was time for college. I applied to UT in Austin, Baylor, and Dallas Baptist. I was accepted to all three, and I was ::thisclose:: to attending UT because my brother was a senior there. He convinced me that I wouldn't like it, so to DBU I went! And boy am I glad. Some of the BEST four years of my life! Grew in my relationship with Christ, met 4 of my best friends (who I will have for life), and I met my HUSBAND there! And, DBU has THE best Elementary Ed program in the country, so what an amazing turn of events for me! God definitely had a plan. I didn't even start out as an Ed major (I was majoring in Print/Graphic Comm, but changed my major after freshman year).

Okay, so after the fabulous-ness that was college, it was time to get married! Nate actually proposed my junior year, and we were married less than a month after my college graduation. We added to our family in the form of a puppy named Chloe and she is literally like our child... yeah, we're those people!

I had accepted a job at the school I student taught at, but unfortunately had to switch campuses (and grade levels, UGH) due to low numbers in my grade. I didn't have a very good 1st year of teaching (but then again, who does?).We lived in DFW for 10 months before he accepted a job offer in South TX. Mind you, I had NEVER lived more than 20 minutes away from my family. EVER. This was a huge change for me. 4 hours away?! I know it's not that big of a difference in the grand scheme of things, but it was huge to me. 

However, God once again had His hand in it and we have happily lived in South TX for four years now, going on year #5! I accepted a job offer at a private school in our town, and although it was such a huge shift from public education, it has been such a blessing.

We also adopted our 2nd fur baby, Oliver, once we moved here. Such a sweet boy!

My husband is now the head pastor at our church, where I am also involved in our children's ministry. We have an amazing set of friends, along with so many older friends who act more as family since our parents live four hours away. I'm starting my 6th year as an educator in Texas, in my most favorite grade, with my most favorite age of kids. All in all, I am just blessed to enjoy life with my sweet husband, our precious pups, and loving family and friends. Can't thank God enough!

Now, what about you? Can you relate to anything in my story? Can't wait to read y'alls!

Don't forget to link up at Blog Hoppin'!


  1. Today was our first day back too! I used to teach kindergarten and loved it tons! I hope you have an amazing and blessed school year! :)
    Learnin' Books


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