
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Photo a Day: Week Six

Happy weekend to you all!

Time for another week in photos! I missed a couple of days this week... crazy week at school, and also my phone was being whack (luckily, someone gets an upgrade in March)!

Everyday with the Jays

[saturday]: Roommate Skype date! All of us (minus my roommate Stef who now lives in California and was mixed up with her time difference) got on Skype and made a conference call! So fun catching up with all of these ladies! Love love love them, definitely made my college experience!

[sunday]: Super Bowl Sunday! We were invited to watch the game at a church member's home (which was gorgeous)! Yummy food and good fellowship!

**missed Monday

[tuesday]: Oliver curling up with my shoes. He alwayyyss cuddles up with shoes if they are on the floor. We literally have like 20 pictures of him like this with various pairs of shoes! We are planning on making a coffee table book when we get more pictures taken. Silly boy.

[wednesday]: We traveled close to the Houston area to a RoomstoGo and purchased our first couch (we had been using my brother's from his apartment way back in the day). We are so excited and we get to pick it up Monday! PS I'll be changing out the throw pillows!

[thursday]: We've been getting our Valentine's on in Kindergarten this week! As a math integration, we ordered numbers counting by 10's all the way to 100! But the numbers were on hearts :) When they glued them together like a chain, I thought they would look lovely hanging from the window! The kids love it and I think it looks so magical!

[friday]: A sneak peek at my kiddos' Valentines to their parents. So precious to have hand prints of your little babies!

Any fun plans this weekend? Nate is fishing in a tournament so I plan on doing some sleeping, shopping, and possibly sewing (if I buy fabric)! Also lesson plans, but no need to discuss that. Also, we have a church-wide picnic after church tomorrow at a lake: can't wait! Happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I had no clue you could video conference on Skype. Where have I been??


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