Does anyone else feel like their summer is filled with TO-DOs? I do. Maybe I feel that way since I'm "off" work... there clearly is something I am supposed to be doing. So here's a rough draft of my to-do list. It's really more for me, but feel free to take a glance!
In general...
-Lesson plan for the 1st nine weeks and arrange masters to be copied in accordion folder
-Go through Envisions lessons and pull out masters needed to be copy
-Create center rotation schedule for Amazons and Congos (my two groups of Kinders: goes with my jungle theme!)
-Create database for personal books
-Classroom layout
-Room two layout
-Bucket filler book and chart
-New job chart/center chart
-Paint rocking chair!!!
-Purchase magazine holders from Ikea (white) for student assessments/guided reading/math/etc
-Wall hangers outside for student work
-Classroom door
-Relabel binders (TLC, etc) and teacher manuals
-Make Noise-o-Meter
-Make brochure for orientation night (for parents)
-Make 1st day gift: heart crayon (DIY from old crayons)
To-Do's for centers
-ABC: make play-do mats for each letter
-ABC: make sheet protector binders for wipeable surfaces for various ABC activities (letter identification, blends, word families: see Pinterest)
-Writing: have sentence starters for each week/unit/theme (student will complete sentence and illustrate)
-Writing: have picture starters for each week/unit/theme (student will write about picture)
-Writing: make picture vocabulary cards and laminate
-Reading: make mini-"highlighter" popsicle sticks to hunt for WWW: with small jar
-Reading: have response sheets for read-aloud of week (illustrate favorite part)
-Big book: make pointers out of dowel rods
-Big book: make WWW hunt page: write WWW each time it is found in book
-Math: pattern cards, sorting pages, number identification