
Saturday, February 23, 2013

[life] Valentine's Day Recap

Yes, Valentine's Day was over a week ago... oops! But I did want to share with you what Nate got me, the treats I got for him (stolen from Pinterest, of course), and some fun goodness from my Kindergarten classroom!

[A disclaimer, however: we understand that Valentine's Day is not the only day you are to tell each other you love each other, treat one another with presents/flowers/gifts. We love doing stuff like that all the time! But Valentine's Day is a fun one to celebrate as well.] Onward!

Nate purchased me a gorgeous necklace from Kay with a "J" on it: if it has a "J" on it, I'm sold! Gotta love monograms. He perused my "Fashion and Style" pinboard on Pinterest (smart guy) and got the idea. I love it! If you were not already aware, we are both five years old when it comes to giving gifts, so we give them early... I mean, as soon as we have them. I opened this on February 7th :) But THEN he surprised me on Valentine's Day and had flowers sent to my school! What a romantic, he is!

On February 13th, after church that night, Nate helped me assemble 22 Kindergarten goodie bags, complete with Ring pops, homemade bows for the girls (felt red/zebra print), and stretchy heart guys for the boys. It was so fun to make sweet treats for my kiddos, but there were a few hot glue burns. Ouch! The kiddos were so excited the next day, and I received praises: "You're the BEST TEACHER EVERRRRRR!" and plenty of "Thank You's" and hugs. Sweet kids!

My kiddos, like every year, paint hand prints in the shape of a heart for their families, complete with a poem. I had lost the poem I used last year (until I found it this week, hmph) but I found another one on Pinterest. Adorable!

My kiddos were so generous to me this year too! Lots of candy, chocolates, Valentine cards, some flowers, and even a pearl bracelet. So sweet!

Now what I did for Nate... every day, starting February 2nd (I forgot the first day, so he got two treats on the 2nd), he received a treat with a cheesy note on it that correlated with said treat. He is a huge fan of cereal and candy, so this was perfect for him! I'm missing days 10, 12, and 13... but the rest are all here. Take a look!

Feb. 1st: Hot Cheetos "You are one HOT hubs!"
Feb. 2nd: Dr. Pepper "I'm SODAlighted to know you!"
Feb. 3rd: Orbit Gum "I CHEWS you!"
Feb. 4th: Kool Aid "You're the KOOLest!"
Feb. 5th: Pop Rocks "You ROCK my world!"
Feb. 6th: Honey Nut Cheerios "I'm NUTS about you!"
Feb. 7th: Hot Tamales "You are my HOT TAMALE! Aye-ya-ya!" (Not very creative, but it worked!)
Feb. 8th: Chap Stick "STIX with me!" (I couldn't find Chap-Stix brand, so I used Blistex. Eh well)
Feb. 9th: Sunflower Seeds "You are the SUN in my sky!"
Feb. 11th: Apple Jacks "You are the APPLE of my eye!"
Feb. 14th: Gobstoppers "Don't STOP loving me!"
But of course, I didn't feel like it was ::enough:: compared to the gifts he gave me. So while out shopping last weekend, we stopped into Fossil and I MADE him pick out a Pastor-y messenger bag. He's been wanting one for a while, and his old Swiss Army messenger bag wasn't cutting it, so today was the day! He looks so professional carrying it with his laptop and books, much better than the black mesh bag he was carrying around. Happy Valentine's, darling!
I'm sure you all have already shared your Valentine's day plans and happenings, but please do share how you and your loved ones celebrate! Happy weekend!

"And these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13


  1. The two of you are SO cute!

    I did something similar for Sean last year.

    Looks like a great V day!

  2. So much goodness in this ONE post! Chrissy...your kindergarten goodie bags turned out SO cute! How adorable are those bows?! LOVE. And Nate's messenger bag is so spiffy! I wanna get Zach one for work now too...we need to hit up Fossil tomorrow while we're out.

    You did amazing on Nate's gift...I love it! I especially like the "I'm nuts about you" :). They're all so cute! And your J necklace is smart is he to check your Pinterest boards?! I have a "wish list" board just for that reason but I'm pretty sure Z doesn't even know it exists. haha!

    Hope y'all are having a wonderful weekend!!!

  3. I am a terrible fiancee! Somehow Valentine's Day creeped up on me and I didn't have any gift to give. So, I treated my man to sushi! Next year, I HAVE to do better! I really like what you did with all of the different treats. If I'd had the time, I would have made a 'man bouquet' full of his favorite things.

  4. I totally love the gift idea;) and the little goodie bags for school. The flowers and necklace are gorgeous!

  5. What neat ideas and cute little notes to give to him for Vday! Looks like both of you had a great Vday:)


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