
Sunday, March 3, 2013

[faith] Women's Bible Study #8

8. Regularly attend a Bible study with women (also in the works!)
Still ongoing from August to present, woot!

Over the summer, our church women's ministry began meeting to brainstorm a weekly Bible study for women ages 18 and older. I am so thankful for these group of ladies who meet weekly! They are a blessing to my life and it is such an encouragement to hear the wisdom, similar stories and struggles, and Godly insights from some fabulous Christian women. We follow a bible study and have such wonderful discussion on God's truths and lessons for our lives. Love it!

I have been meaning to post this for a while, but since my 30 before 30 says that I would REGULARLY attend a bible study, I wanted to give it some time before I shared. We have just started our third bible study (wow!), so I wanted to share all three studies with you so you know what we've been up to in case you are interested to start up a bible study at your church or with a group of friends!

The first bible study we completed was "Seed" by Priscilla Shirer. This bible study, DVD/workbook based, focused on various concepts and themes, but what I remembered most from the study was Priscilla's 5 P's method on how to study the bible:
  • Position yourself to hear from God
  • Pore over the passage and Paraphrase the major points
  • Pull out the spiritual principles
  • Pose the question
  • Plan obedience and Pin down a date
It is so easy to skim a passage and not really understand what it is saying, but her 5 P's method definitely made us dig into the Word to truly grasp its meaning!

The next, and longest, study we have completed so far is Beth Moore's "So Long, Insecurity", which is book/workbook/DVD based. This was my favorite! Beth talks to you like you are best friends: her book is easy to read and understand, and her words are true and solid. She is an awesome woman of God and so incredibly wise! This bible study focused on insecurities we can have as women: looks, job status, marriage, anything! She discusses where our insecurities root from: maybe a childhood loss, a family crisis, etc. and teaches that it is God, not the world or others, who gives us our security and we are secure women in HIM. Such powerful words!

I have been insecure before and have felt those emotions creep up: what will happen if...? I'm going to be so embarrassed if....? God has us and we are His, no one can take that from us. When we feel insecure, we are to run to Him and His Word. I'm still finishing up the book (there is a book and a work book for the bible study) and I would highly recommend it to anyone!

The bible study we have just started is Lysa TerKeurst's "Unglued". This bible study will focus on our raw emotions and how we react when life happens. Are we on God's side or on the world's side? Do we let our emotions get the best of us, or are we a light for God and show grace when we are ticked off? Lysa is another personable writer/teacher (this series is also book/workbook/DVD based) and makes it simple to follow her Biblical teachings. I'm excited to see where this study leads!

So there you have it! Do you attend a women's bible study at your church? Or do you have a group of fellow women that you can be open and real with as to what God is doing in your life? Moving four hours from home, almost three years ago, it was hard to connect and make friends with strangers when your entire world and all of your relationships were four hours away (SO thankful for Facebook, by the way!). But it was truly God's plan for Nate and I to be thrown out of our comfort zone to establish new relationships here and we are so blessed with the wonderful friends and relationships we have built since moving. God is good y'all, all the time.

Have a great week!

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 
1 Thessalonians 5:11

1 comment:

  1. we lead a small group with couples and have done a few different books/studies. i really need to read a beth moore book - i hear so many good things about her!


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