
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

[blog] Bloglovin'

Okay, you can pretty much call me GFC/HTML/blog data illiterate. All I know is posting blog entries, updating my blog, and the number of followers a blog has via that little blue button that says "Follow" or "Join This Site" on the sidebar of a blog, which is through Google Friend Connect.... ? Right, or no? That is the epitome of blog "stardom", right? How many followers you have? I don't know. I aspire to have 1,000 one day. I mean, that is one of my 30 before 30 goals. I'm slowly creeping along, but I'm sure I'll get there someday!

Anyhoo, all that to say that apparently that GFC box is going away this summer... from what I understand. So to follow my blog, I would love for you to click HERE and go to Bloglovin' so you can follow my posts there. I am loving the iPhone app for Bloglovin' as well: it's neat and easy to read (AND TO POST COMMENTS!!!!) from my phone, which is where I read all of your blog posts 9 out of 10 times. I'm a lady on the go... okay, not really. But it is convenient.

So, a short and sweet post for you today. Go HERE. Follow me there. Let me know if you are on there as well so I can keep up with you! I've already added a few of my favorites... but then I got sleepy :)

Happy Wednesday!

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:4

***Update: So actually it's the Google Reader going away... I use the Blogger Dashboard to read posts, so I don't know if the change will affect me... Regardless, go follow my blog on Bloglovin', just in case!


  1. it is all a little confusing!!! following you on bloglovin' :)

  2. I am a new follower with GFC and blog loving!! Your dogs are soo cute!!

    Feel free to pop by and say hello!!

  3. I do not understand all of the blog talk either. Heck, I can't even figure out how to reply to a comment that you left me on my blog. I mean, I can comment as well but not reply directly to your comment. Anyway, I like the bloglovin' app too! & I was already following you there.

  4. I am a new follower sent here by for Lauren and Lauren!

  5. I am a new reader sent here by for Lauren and Lauren!


I read each and every comment: thank you for leaving some love!