
Thursday, June 5, 2014

[Friday Favorites] You Tube

So did you all know there is a whole world of "YouTubers"?

Like, You Tube is their job.

Really! It blew my mind: I started watching You Tube channels on a regular basis at the end of last summer when The Daily Tay recommended Eleventh Gorgeous in one of her blog posts. There is a huge variety of You Tubers: beauty, fashion, cooking, DIY, random whatnots, plus vlogs which just follow them in their everyday life. I watch these videos while I get ready in the morning or when I'm folding laundry, and they are pretty addicting! Here are five of my favorites:

Tanya Burr: She is SO sweet! She lives in England and shares tips on about beauty, fashion, some cooking, and vlogs.

Miss Glamorazzi: Ingrid lives in California and films about beauty, fashion, home, and healthy eats. She is where we got the inspiration to begin doing green smoothies!

Eleventh Gorgeous: This channel belongs to two sisters (NOT twins) who live in Alabama. They share all things beauty, ipsy/Birchbox comparisons, challenges, and vlog about their adventures together. They are hilarious!

Zoella: Her and Tanya are friends in England, so many times they appear on each other's channels! Zoe films on fashion and beauty, with lots of vlogs thrown in the mix.

The Saccone Joly's: I found out about their channel through Zoe's favorites one month. This is a DAILY VLOG on an Irish family (Jonathan, Anna, Emilia, and Eduardo). They have filmed their lives every day for at least 3 years and they upload every night at 6pm (UK time: not sure what it is in TX, but it's always there by the time I get ready in the morning)! They are about to move to London from Ireland, so their daily vlogs are full of moving, their two adorable babies (two under 2!), and their sweet 6 Maltese pups.

Let me know if you have ever watched their videos: there are many others who I could've listed, but these five are the ones I watch on a regular basis. I really enjoy the makeup tutorials the girls do, and watching the Saccone Joly's each day is so fun! I especially like to see what Anna prepares for dinner each night... does that make me weird? Probably... Ha!

 Happy FRIDAY! Woot woot! Enjoy your weekend!

"God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns."
Psalm 46:5

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh I love this! And I love the Saccone Joly's...I keep up with them through her blog. I'm obsessed!


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