
Monday, June 9, 2014

[love] 10 Random Things

I am borrowing Brittany's (from Fun with the Fullwoods) idea on posting 10 Random Things about myself! Like Brittany, I enjoy reading these types of posts from other bloggers because it allows us to get to know one another as a blogging community. So if you are reading, feel free to join the fun and create your own 10 Random Things post!

1. Nathan and I LOVE to travel! We haven't gone anywhere crazy, like to Europe or Asia, but small road trips or even exploring our own state is enjoyable to us. Our favorite way to travel is by ship, via a cruise!

2. Which leads me to point #2, we are AVID cruisers! Nate has been on 6, and I have been on 7 (and we are only in our twenties: we are going to be those little old people on cruises who are "Diamond" members because we've been on so many!)

3. When I was two, I broke my left arm by jumping on my bed. When I jumped off, I landed on the frame of the bed. Whoops! Because I was still developing my bones as a toddler, my arm did not straighten out. Therefore, my left arm is majorly crooked! It looks broken, but it's not :)

4. Our friends mean the world to us: when we first moved to South Texas, it was hard getting to build meaningful friendships simply because there weren't that many people our age or in the same season of life as us. We have been so blessed to get to form a close-knit bond with three other couples from our church. Now we all do everything together! We call ourselves "MNG" because we used to get together every Monday night for dinner at our homes, but now that it's summer, it's a free for all and we get together all the time! So, so thankful for these friends.

5. I am about the pickiest eater you can imagine: I don't like vegetables or seafood, which are two major ingredients in many dishes. Since marrying Nathan, I have embraced guacamole and onions... some seasoned squash is okay... but other than that, I'm still pretty picky! I only drink water (I don't like the way carbonated soda feels running down my throat), and I'm pretty picky about what type of alcoholic beverages I like (I've never tasted beer and never will: if it's not fruity and frozen, I probably won't like it).

6. I am a Pastor's Wife! Nathan is the Senior Pastor at our small church. He has been the pastor for about two and a half years, which before that he worked with the music and youth at the various churches we attended. God speaks through him and Nathan is so blessed with the gift of preaching and teaching. I could never do what he does, but he makes it looks so easy! I'll have to try to post a sermon of his sometime: they are online! Below, he is about to baptize a church member and he is leading our Christian Seder Meal (the Thursday before Easter).

7. I have just completed my fifth year of teaching in TX! What?! I beat the statistic! Most teachers resign from teaching within the first five years because it is so daunting, and believe me- I have thought about it! But I will be continuing to teach, Lord willing, in the fall at my same school as the Kindergarten teacher. I LOVE Kindergarten because it is so fun, interactive, and the kids are precious (most of them, anyways!).

8. My parents have been happily married for almost 33 years. I have a big brother named Michael, who married a sweet gal named Claire. Neither of us have had children yet, but between all of our families, we have five dogs and two cats!

9. My favorite hobbies are: sleeping, taking photographs, spending time with my friends and family, staying in (vs. going out), wearing PJs, being crafty and having the "Psh, I can make that!" attitude, shopping, and planning parties/events.

10. We are the proud owners parents of two fur-babies, Chloe (Jack Russell Terrier) and Oliver (Shih-Tzu) (which, if you've been reading my blog for a while, you are quite aware of these two)!

There you have it! I hope that gives you a bit more of an insight as to who I am. If you have any other questions for me, feel free to ask and we can have a Q&A blog series too! Have a great week!

"I love the Lord, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy. Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live." Psalm 116: 2

[What is God trying to tell you today? Call on Him and He will reply!]

1 comment:

  1. Love this post and learning about you guys! Confession...I've never been on a cruise! We've talked about it, just have never done it. I may come to you with questions since you're an expert cruiser by now! :) Adorable pictures!


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