
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

[life] UPDATE!


Is anyone still out there?

I know I pull this at least seven times a year... I blog, I quit. I blog, I stop for 5 months. Etc. Etc. I apologize! This semester was CRAZY. So, for an update.

1. I left my teaching job. Leaving in the middle of the year?! What?! I know. I know. Cardinal sin of teaching. But it was a family decision. Without divulging too much personal information, Nate and I just decided it would be better for me and for us if I stayed at home and/or had a less stressful/time consuming profession. It was a REALLY hard decision, but in the end, this is what's best for us. And so far, it is proving to be the right decision (after only two days of not working, I can tell that this was TOTALLY God's call for us).

2. No, Nate and I are NOT having marriage problems and no, we are NOT moving away from our current location. Don't you just love how life changes can cause stirs and rumors amongst others? Ugh. Luckily we haven't had too many inquisitive minds asking us to share personal information. But Nate and I are a-okay and as in L-O-V-E as ever!

3. No, I'm NOT pregnant. People like to think that too: OOH she must be pregnant. Nope, sorry. I'm not. Again, if I were, that would be personal information that doesn't need to be shared, but no. Not pregnant either!

This major life change was definitely a call from God. I feel like God puts us in situations and circumstances to show us that we must rely on Him and trust His timing even when it doesn't make sense or doesn't sound practical on paper. Nathan and I are fully relying on Him, His timing, and all that He provides. Yes, it will be hard. Yes, it will be uncomfortable. But He is at the center of our marriage and all glory goes to Him for everything we do. We will stumble, fall, and mess up, but the beauty is that God already knows that and loves us anyways!

SO now that I have more time on my hands, perhaps I shall have more time to blog! I have missed it so. Now, if you are around... what are you up to?! Unless I follow you on Instagram or Facebook, I have no idea what's going on in your life... my blog reading has slipped also! Please comment and share if you're still here. Miss you!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're stepping out of your comfort zone to follow His will. After all, He knows best :P


I read each and every comment: thank you for leaving some love!