
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

[fashion] Shop Your Closet: The Pieces

[She emerges! I know. I promise to blog more!]

If you have been following me on Instagram (@chrissydj), you will have noticed my new #shopyourclosetremix for the next 30 days. Basically I borrowed this idea from Caitlin @Greater Than Rubies (seriously, go check out her blog and links: it has been my reading material for the past two weeks)!

Basically, Nathan and I have felt in a rut (not relationship-wise: don't worry) with all of the STUFF we have accumulated over the 5.5 years we have been married. There are TWO of us... how do we have so much crap?!

This is where Caitlin's blog came in...

I was perusing Pinterest, as all of us do on a daily basis, and I came across an outfit post of hers. I continued to read her website and how she was a former shopaholic who BROKE UP with shopping for a year. A YEAR. No shopping whatsoever. You can find all of this on her website, but the main point of the story is this: I need to learn how to REMIX my wardrobe to have all sorts of fun, new outfits vs. going out and buying the "latest and greatest". I have a bajillion clothing articles. Let's make some fun, new outfits!

So, the #shopyourclosetremix works likes this: NO SHOPPING. Pick pieces you already own and learn to create, mix, and match 30 new outfits. I have the girls from my small group at church joining with me, and we all have chosen 20 articles of clothing as a part of our remix. From here, you fashion 30 outfits. Seems simple, right? Wellllll you have to get creative! Shoes, jewelry, scarves, belts, etc. are unlimited. This is where you can really have fun with the variety of outfits you create.

So as to not bother my FB peeps, I have been posting daily pictures of myself and the gals with our remix outfits for each day (we are using prompts as a guideline from Caitlin, but that's not required)... and this is the part I like the least. I'm sure it's annoying seeing daily "fashion" posts from me! But I know if I don't hold myself accountable to... well, no one really, so I suppose my Instagram, I know I'll quit halfway! So, onto the photos (please remember I'm not a fashion blogger nor a fancy photographer... #keepingitreal)!

Here are my twenty items...
black and white chevron/white crochet/grey tunic/
black sweater/beige tee/black tunic
white casual tee with rope collar/black and white striped sweater/black floral blouse

red sweater/denim jacket/black cardigan
chambray button up/red plaid/black lace dress

black zip up leggings/denim skinnies
denim crop/black pants
(not pictured: red pants)

Now if you'd like to join me on the quest to SHOP YOUR CLOSET, please do! Use the hashtag #shopyourclosetremix and we can all look at each others outfit formulas! PLUS Caitlin (@GTR) is posting her outfits, along with prize opportunities, through her blog in February. Link up and join!

If anything, through this process I hope to clear out some clothes that I'm too attached to and create a solid, structural capsule of clothing for each season, only having to replace ruined or worn pieces. Here's hoping!

Link up with Caitlin here: Shop Your Closet Winter Remix

What has been your fashion challenge for 2015? Do tell!


  1. How fun to have other girls you know in real life joining you! Good for you guys! I'm sure it will be fun, and that you'll learn lots along the way. I know I have when I did this in the past!

  2. Love, love, love this! So humbled you came across my site and it's helping you on a journey to use what you have well. Keep me posted- I can't wait to hear more!


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