Saturday, April 7, 2012

Photo A Day: Week Fourteen

Happy Saturday! Time to share photos from the week!

Everyday with the Jays

[Sunday]: new plants for our flower beds! Can't wait until they grow!

[Monday]: cute little ol' birdies my kiddos made while we learned about oviparous animals (animals that lay eggs).

**apparently I missed Tuesday (although I know I took a picture at a baseball game!) and Wednesday... whoops.

[Thursday]: the elements from a traditional Seder Passover meal. Our church did this as we prepare our hearts for Easter Sunday, the day Jesus rose and conquered the grave (see here for more info)

[Friday]: to continue preparing for Easter Sunday, our church congregation gathered together for a simulcast called "Secret Church". It was led by Pastor David Platt and we met from 6pm until midnight to dive deep into God's word and pray for the persecuted church in the Horn of Africa. For more info on that, go here. I need to write a follow-up post sharing wonderful scriptures and quotes that discuss the cross and suffering and how God delivered His people (us) by using His Son's suffering (on the cross).

[Saturday]: the Easter bunny came early for our house! How darling is this personalized basket with our names on these eggs? Thanks Mom and Dad (our house guests for the weekend, yaaayy!)

I hope you all are having an amazing weekend, whether it be relaxing at home, working on projects, or celebrating Easter with your family!

1 comment :

  1. I went to Secret Church too (this is Casey of Oh So Pretty the Diaries btw)! I mean whoa. Lots to soak in. Gonna have to spend a lot of time going through that study guide to really soak it all in. David Platt is the man & God is clearly doing big things through him.


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