Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wintry Weather

Hello. I live in SOUTH Texas.

Tomorrow, I will be waking up to a 21degree morning. Excuse me?

This wintry weather has caused some serious disturbances in our new year's goal! We haven't taken the pups for a walk since last... Friday? It's been freezing!!! It snowed in DFW, but we didn't see anything like that in South Central TX. My students haven't been to outdoor recess in two days! Makes for a crazy classroom.

But in other news...

Someone got a haircut! Now his cherry eye (inflamed eyelid) is super noticeable. It doesn't take away from his preciousness though :)


  1. what kind of dog is he?! he looks just like my dog! :)

  2. aww he gets a cherry eye?! jordan's mom's dog does too. it's so sad even though it doesn't seem to really bother them!


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