Beginning of week 24
July 10: Packed up and ready to head out to start vacation!
July 11: Aboard the cruise ship, already hit up the buffet and got TWO plates!
Week 25 (in Florida mostly)
June 16: Back home enjoying one night with my pups before I leave for Florida!
June 17: Hello, Florida! The conference was at the Disney Hilton Resort
June 18: Whose hotel had Benihana? Ours did! My favoriteee.
June 19: Fun evening in Downtown Disney after a long day of learning. Minnie ears and becoming a princess!
June 20: Another evening out after a day of training (bottom left picture). We saw "Rock of Ages" at a dine-in theatre and went to Planet Hollywood for some fun!
June 21: Lunch at Wolfgang Puck express... Mmm
June 22: DR. BECKY BAILEY IS AT OUR TABLE!!! I had to commemorate the event. Dr. Bailey is the creator of Conscious Discipline and before the conference, we had only seen her via her DVDs. It was so neat to see her in person and learn from her in person. Eeek! All of us were so blessed to have been able to attend. Before, there were many people (faculty, staff, and parents) who were turned off by the idea of CD. Now, we are more ready that ever to implement these strategies and structures into our classroom! If you are a teacher, click the link to learn more! :)
June 23: Before we said our goodbyes. Mrs. Lysa (in the middle with the pink shirt) was our Table Leader and she was the sweetest lady! She was always willing to answer our questions and give suggestions for CD. We are standing in front of the Kindness Tree that holds Kindness Hearts (we were the Kindness Counters and it was our job to inform the entire group of how many hearts were on the tree: if you witnessed a kind act, you put a heart on the tree)!
Week 26 (back home)
June 24: Mmmm Texas summers and fresh from the vine watermelon (after it had a chance to chill in the refrigerator... delish!!!!)
June 25: Already missing our cruise vacation... Reminiscing over our professional photos that we purchased from the trip.
June 26: Already getting the rearranging bug! Working on a corner in our bedroom to make it less of a catch-all/clutter trap and more of a sweet retreat :)
June 27: Summer days always include a good ol' Skype date with the hubs while he's at work. He clearly loves to make me laugh!
June 28: Drove up to Dallas so Nate could attend a bachelor party at the Rangers game, so I hit up the snowcone stand with my favoriteee gal pal!
June 29: To Tyler for Nate's best friend Andrew's wedding! Rehearsal first, wedding tomorrow!
Whew! NOW you should be caught up with my life. I know you were concerned but now you're all set! :) Happy weekend!